[CQ-Contest] SS SSB - K5NZ and "deja vu all over again"

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Mon Dec 26 06:25:40 EST 2005

Scott, W4PA said:

> I know they're doing it, they know they're doing it.  Build an
> interlock system or knock it the hell off, huh?

Cripes, what got into you, Ebenezer?  Points off for insensitive language.

Happy Boxing Day.  This is the day Scrooge only THOUGHT he was throwing 
money into the streets and shouting "Merry Christmas" before learning it was 
actually yesterday, getting dressed and heading over to Cratchett's for some 
Roast Beast.

Or something like that.

Oh, and you MS guys running two signals, knock it the hell off, okay?  Use 
your brains, it's only getting easier to nail your sorry butts - "bless your 

Mark, N5OT

PS My wife, whose roots were planted in Arkansas says you can get away with 
saying whatever trash you want as long as you end it with "bless their 
hearts."  Did it work? 

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