[CQ-Contest] WRTC

Richard DiDonna NN3W NN3W at prodigy.net
Fri Dec 30 14:30:21 EST 2005

Received my NCJ yesterday and was reading the quick 
chronology of the WRTC.  I remember when the first was 
done in Seattle.  I had semi "disappeared" from ham 
radio for WRTC 1996, 2000, and 2002.  

Was there ever a plan for a 2004 WRTC, and is there a 
plan for a 2008 WRTC?  Or is it only 2006 then 2010?

I can't seem to figure out if its supposed to be a 
four-year gapped event like the Olympics or the U.S. 
presidential elections, or a two-year gapped event and 
somebody forgot about 2004.

73 Rich NN3W

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