[CQ-Contest] Fw: Just when you think

Hank Kohl K8DD k8dd at usol.com
Tue Jan 18 09:49:01 EST 2005

Bob Henderson wrote:

>I guess one event probably influenced me most in my thinking about penalties
>for badly copied calls.  I won't name the individual concerned as my
>thoughts relate more to principle than personality but:
>While S&P in a recent major event, I called a very well known contest
>station.  Although he was very strong with me and I suspect I was with him,
>it took three calls, in between which he called CQ, before I got a response.
>When it came, the response was "Worked before".  I replied with "Not in log"
>and the station responded with  "You copied my call wrong".  I imediately
>knew which contact he was referring to, as I had only logged one other
>contact with his entity on that band.  So I said, "You didnt correct your
>call".  He replied, "No, I get multiplier, you get penalty....Hi!".
In CQ WW CW we were in Zone 2 using VO2AAA.  A couple of times, when 
things slowed down, I went S&Ping.   I was amazed at the number of 
stations who told me "dupe" or "B4" that were not in the log ..... on 
any band!   And some of them were very loud, very good ops.

In every case we had the multipliers (US and Zone 3, 4, or 5), but I 
would send NIL and get "dupe" back.  Oh well ..... I hope they worked 
one of the other Zone 2's who were part time.

I've found, especially in CQ WW, it's easier to work the dupe than tell 
them they are a dupe.  And ID every couple QSO's, or so, when things are 
going fast.

73    Hank    K8DD


'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their 
 level then beat you  with experience.'           -anon 

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