[CQ-Contest] Station-Specific Incentives

Jack Brindle jackbrindle at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 7 17:41:06 EDT 2005

I've wondered about this. It doesn't fall under the FCC's "pecuniary  
interest" rules? I would think that such things as bottles of wine  
for finishing at a certain level would even be covered under those  
rules, at least in the US...

On Jul 7, 2005, at 7:33 AM, Bill Tippett wrote:

> VE4XT wrote:
>> I think it's time we lightened up and looked for real violations  
>> of the
> rules instead of trying to fabricate them where none exists. At a  
> time when
> we should be doing all we can to encourage the use of our  
> frequencies by
> amateurs, that this kind of activity is shat upon is hard to fathom.
>          Kelly, the key issue is not Packet, it's station-
> specific incentives (free videos or whatever).  It's
> interesting that there are no contest rules prohibiting
> this and nothing would prevent the following:
> *********************NEWS FLASH*********************
>                  W1BUX CQWW Multiplier Incentive:
> 1.  Any fixed station working me and only me in the CQWW
> for a unique multiplier will receive $XXX via PayPal.
> 2.  Any expedition station working me and only me in
> the CQWW will receive $XXX to cover their trip expenses.
> *****************************************************
> Granted these are extreme hypothetical examples, but once
> we start offering incentives to work specific stations,
> we are on a very slippery slope that has no boundaries.
> The concept of a level playing field, which is behind the
> spirit and intent of all contest rules, will very quickly
> vanish down that slippery slope.  BTW, this is the same
> reason WRTC goes to some lengths to prevent publicizing
> the identity of contestants' calls...i.e. to prevent
> "patriotic patronizing" by home country cheerleaders.
>          As I said before, I'm sure the Finns did not dream
> this up to try to win the IARU low power category,  but
> I wonder what comes next when others see what they did?
> Where does it end???
>                                          73,  Bill  W4ZV
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- Jack Brindle, W6FB

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