[CQ-Contest] L.O.T.W.

Buck - N4PGW n4pgw-list2 at towncorp.net
Sun Jul 24 17:17:58 EDT 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
> (When did this tread get reactivated anyway)
> Actually I have sent them support for running it just the way that they
> do.
> I found it truly simple to set up and run. And I find the level of
> security
> to be appropriate. And I am sure that you did not just log onto your
> bank's
> website & set up an account remotely. You had to go into the bank and sign
> up for an account. The ARRL did not make you do that, so they need some
> way
> to make you prove who you are. When was the last time you made a deposit
> over the internet? The comparison of LOTW to internet banking is really a
> bogus one.

I setup a verified PayPal account and a verified eBay account, both of which
need security, (one of which has my money,) and I did it in one sitting in
just a few minutes in one day!  LOTW is not a BANK!

The truth is that, in spite of all LOTW's security, it is far more difficult
to steal an award from eQSL than it is to steal one from the ARRL.  I agree
that they need some form of reasonable level of security so accounts are
more difficult to setup than hotmail accounts, but it doesn't have to be
Fort Knox.  

I think one of the best security measures available for either electronic
QSL bureau would be to post the logbooks out in the open for everyone to
inspect.  It won't take long before someone would notice discrepancies in
logbooks of those trying to fraudulently obtain awards.  

There is no perfect method that someone won't find a way to cheat.  One
doesn't need to be too concerned over an occasional fraud, after all, what
are these people getting by cheating?  A piece of paper that it taken to the
local waffle house along with $2, would get them a cup of coffee.  


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