[CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB. Mathematics

Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh nmt at at-communication.com
Sat Jul 30 13:49:02 EDT 2005

Hello everyone,

I am very curious how final results in CQ WW SSB were calculated.

Jim CN2R and Al D4B showed incredible results. My congratulations for both
of them!

But what I see from results

CN2R  8655   172   668   20,938,680
D4B     8799  172   674   20,433,438

D4B has more QSO's, more MULTS. Results is less than CN2R for about 500K.

They are both in Africa and it is hard to presume that D4B worked much more
other 1-point Africans. I know that Al worked 174 stations from AF and Jim
about 50 less.

I can't see where my mistake could be in my calculations. Any ideas?


Nodir Tursoon-Zadeh, EY8MM

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