[CQ-Contest] IRLP

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik at subich.com
Thu Mar 17 12:48:11 EST 2005

WI8W writes: 

> Someday in the future, technology will supplant radio communications 
> with some other medium that probably has not even been thought of.  

I have no doubt that technology will supplant radio communication just 
as the automobile has supplanted walking.  However, just as we maintain 
wilderness areas (National Parks, suburban nature preserves, etc.) to 
those who still enjoy hiking, wilderness camping and "survival" 
vacations, we must preserve amateur radio free from non-radio modes 
for those who still enjoy "the old way." 

> To the rest of you that have taken it upon yourselves to blast the IRLP 
> system as not being "amateur radio"  I invite you to remember also that 
> someday you may also end up like my friend..I wonder then,  if you will 
> have the same opinion of IRLP.

For those who want non-radio based communications, there all kinds of 
"chat" and "IM" ... even voice based "chat" and "IM" ... opportunities. 
Please DO NOT confuse them with amateur radio or attempt to contaminate 
amateur radio with these landline based technologies.  To do so is 
like building a super highway and five star hotel in the middle of 
the Grand Canyon.  The view may be great but it would completely destroy 
the very nature of the Grand Canyon! 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

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