[CQ-Contest] IRLP Contest

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Wed Mar 16 19:45:10 EST 2005

Bill, K4XS wrote:

Whenever I get in my truck and hit the local repeater I try
to talk up contesting and HF in general.  I am pretty much met with apathy
and an attitude that it is better to sit and wallow on a 2 meter repeater than
it is to upgrade and get on HF or contest.

"Keep on truckin', Bill" ... one or more of 'em will eventually come around!

Confession:  During my 30 year absence from HF DXing & Contesting, I was a 
440Mhz "Wallower" for years.  I still fire up the 440 rig before the wheels 
roll, and have identified several "born contesters" (as I refer to them 
repeatedly), who I will keep working on.  Actually, our local 
club...primarily 2m/440Mhz types but a few HF'ers, has already yielded a 
recent new NCCC member who ended up setting a few new band records at the 
N6RO super-station during a M/M contest last year!

I've never been very good about waiting for that darn "tone" on the 
repeater, and the guys always tease me when I'm a bit fast-on-the-trigger 
with things like: "You must have just been in another one of those 
contests", or, "there must be a contest coming up", etc.  Some of them just 
don't know what fun they are missing, so one of my personal "Missions" is 
to keep whacking away to hopefully bring some new contesters into the fold, 
even if it be one-at-a-time over the long haul.

Hmmm...maybe I'll take my Notebook computer to a future local club meeting 
& fire up Morse Runner for the live prospect base :-)


Rick, K6VVA

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