[CQ-Contest] Inquiry - Actual BPL or HomePlug Experience by Contester or DXer?

Richard J. Norton richardjnorton at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 09:11:41 EST 2005

1) Would anyone, who is seriously contest or DX oriented, have any
actual experience with a BPL (broadband over power lines) system in
their neighborhood?

2) Would anyone, who is seriously contest or DX oriented, have any
actual experience with a "HomePlug" power-line modem system in their
house or neighborhood? HomePlug is one of the specification standards
to which modems can be built that allow computers in the same house to
communicate with each other and devices like printers using the house
electrical wiring. The standard was developed with ARRL input, and
does provide some attenuation of signals in most HF amateur bands.

For the purposes of this inquiry, consider "serious" to include those
radio amateurs who would notice interference such as produced by
faulty power lines, and would be likely to take steps to get it fixed.

A group of us are attempting to quantify the behavior of these
systems, and eventually be able to describe their impact on serious
weak-signal HF activities.

In the event that we can't find anyone with current experience, we
will be looking for people to participate in HomePlug modem tests. We
can supply modems to a few volunteers who would have adequate RF and
computer technical skills to have the HomePlug devices properly
installed and tested. The tests would include evaluation of 1) a
computer network inside the amateur's home, 2) a network in a
neighbor's home who is on the same power transformer as the amateur,
and 3) a network in another neighbor's house that is served by a
different distribution transformer. Please think about your capability
and possible interest in such a test.

Thank you.


Dick Norton, N6AA
n6aa at arrl.org

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