VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Sun May 15 15:45:06 EDT 2005

There used to be a CQ WW Honor Roll published in CQ Contest

Between this & reviewing my UBN, I can both learn from my
mistakes & see how I compared with others.

Got a call from NQ4I on Skype as I was playing in CQ-M this
weekend.  It was fun to quickly pull up my log, look for that time
code in the audio recording, play it back to him & see why it was
a -N.  Cool.

Bad enough to lose a mult - the potential penalties mean the
release of CQ WW UBNs is always eagerly awaited at VR2BG.

Getting back to GW4BLE's suggestion, having the Honor Roll on
www.cqww.com would to some extent address any perceived
secretiveness & presumably not require too much more effort from
the good folks of CQ WW as it was done before (if the Honor Roll
is published in CQ now, sorry, all mags are rather dear outside
their intended markets - even NCJ is beyond fixed income DX -
please disregard & move on to next message).

The Honor Roll presented results ranked on accuracy & was
a clever thing for CQ WW to do in keeping with the whole
accuracy thing.  I would rather have this than access to others'
UBNs.  I really miss the new dimension it added - the chance to
compete across categories in what is ultimately the most
important aspect of operating, or against folks I'll never be in the
same league with (Ha, beat <insert call here>! ;^).

The CQ WW Honor Roll was presented in such a way that
conceivably it might even be possible to be made available
well before CQ makes the results themselves available at

73, VR2BrettGraham

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