[CQ-Contest] NAQP Rules and the District of Columbia

Eric Rosenberg wd3q at starpower.net
Tue May 31 14:05:28 EDT 2005

Thanks to those who have taken the time to reply to my email regarding
the multiplier status of the District of Columbia in the various NAQPs. 
The dialog has been stimulating, interesting, and somewhat disappointing.
That notwithstanding, it's time to move on to the next level.  

One respondent suggested: 

"Maybe your post to CQ Contest should be revised to:  

   I would like the NAQP to add DC as a multiplier."

That's been my issue from the start.  I have no interest in having the
District become an ARRL Section, nor have the District be counted as a DX

My interest is that for this series of contests ONLY, where it seems that
every other US governed entity, be it a state or other territorial body,
has a separate identity, the District of Columbia be treated as a
separate entity, too.  

As there appears to be no official process for submitting this request, I
have taken the liberty to air this publicly.  I accept the notion that
the governing body of the NAQPs may not want to modify the rules.  If
that's the case, I would like to know why, and too, if there is any
recourse or method to appeal their decision.  I don't think that's asking
too much.  

One correspondent made the comment that he doesn't enter a contest
because he's a rare multiplier, rather that they're fun.  While I
wholeheartedly agree that my main criteria for participation in any given
activity is that it must be fun, being treated equally certainly adds to
the fun factor.  Those of us who live and/or work here in the District do
try and drum up activity and local competition, and have, as a result,
seen stations previously dormant come back to life. Giving folks another
positive reason to enter a given contest does increase activity, which is
something I believe we in the contesting community want (it was certainly
mentioned at the 2005 Dayton Contest Dinner).  That increased activity
and inherent competition adds to the fun! 

Finally, and to reiterate the comment above, I would like the NAQP to add
DC as a multiplier.  How do we go about this?

Thank you to those who've sent me comments on this issue. As I've
discovered over the years, the contesting community is both passionate
and articulate... and certainly willing to speak it's mind! 

Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC 

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