[CQ-Contest] Food for thought - 40m CQWW SSB

Ragnar Otterstad ragnar at otterstad.dk
Thu Nov 3 18:12:01 EST 2005

This is worth forwarding:

I think one point being missed in your posting is whether it is acceptable
to take away all space for CW mode operators for the entire 48 Hours of the
CQWW SSB contest, the same applies with WPX of course.

Many people only manage to spend any real time on the bands at the weekends,
those who are not contest orientated may not even know CQWW SSB is going to
bombard the lower section of 7 MHz.   It may sound impossible in these days
of Internet mediated Contesting and DXing but there are still many ops who
don't bother with Contest or DX reflectors etc.

I really do feel deeply that it is not in the spirit of our hobby to deny
access for operators to enjoy CW like this.

The arguement about the extra bandwidth being released for Amateur operation
between 7100 - 7200 kHz is a bit spurious due to the number of broadcast
stations on that allocation.

I don't want to be a kill-joy, but strongly feel that a requirement for no
operation below shall we say 7015 kHz should be permitted in SSB contests to
allow those who wish to enjoy their chosen aspect of the hobby.

I am not a data/RTTY operator at present and so I'll leave it to those who
lose their chance to operate those modes during the contests to make their
pitch on this.

Please help keep some element of civilised behaviour to be retained in
Amateur Radio, not just the antisocial and childlike attitude of   "I want,
so you can go and get .........."

161 Tony G3ZRJ 1774

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfred Laun" <hs0zar at gmail.com>
To: "FOC Members" <foc_members at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:27 PM
Subject: [FOC] 40m CQWW SSB

> Gentlemen:
> I am a member of the CQWW Contest Committee and am the Editor of IARU
> Region 2 News so please indulge me whilst I make a couple of comments:
> 1) IARU bandplans are regional by IARU/ITU region, so what applies in
> Region I does not necessarily carry over to Regions 2 and 3.
> 2) With regard to calls for disqualification by the CQWW Committee, we
> are all volunteers and avid contesters ourselves.  We are too busy
> contesting ourselves to observe and note alleged rule violations.  It
> does no good to make rules which cannot be enforced in an impartial
> manner. The logs are checked very carefully and CQ has always led the
> way in state-of-the-art log checking.  The operations which have
> generated the complaints which have been made here, however, cannot be
> detected by log checking, which is really the only impartial technique
> we have for enforcement.
> For example, were we to disqualify a contestant based on only one
> complaint received by e-mail or letter mail at CQ Magazine, it would
> conceivably be possible for a competitor to cause his chief rival or
> one of his enemies to be disqualified simply by making a spurious
> complaint.  CQ Magazine, as a commercial enterprise, could also be
> taken to court for libel if the competitor in question could prove
> foul play.  We just want to sponsor a contest which most everyone can
> enjoy;  we don't want to function as lawmen or enforcers, we just want
> a lot of people to have fun during a 48 hour period.
> Quite apart from the 40 metre question, a few complaints are received
> about operations in which the competitor is following the band plans.
> KX0XX talks to WY0YY every Saturday on 14243 Khz and doesn't like it
> when one weekend his schedule is messed up by horrendous contest QRM
> so he complains.. It will always be thus.  But lobbyists who are at
> FCC HQ showing the authorities how vacant our bands are as an argument
> that they could be more efficiently utilised by other radio services
> would certainly not select a contest weekend as a good time to make
> this demonstration.
> 3)  As for the operations of K3ZO on 40 metre SSB, I never ever select
> a run frequency below 7040 KHz because I do not wish to encourage
> Europeans to violate their regional band plan.  All of my competitors
> over here think I am daft for doing this, but thanks to the wonderful
> Orion receiver I now have I don't think I fall too far behind the
> competition (this past weekend, however, my 40 metre beam was stuck
> straight north  so I was in no condition to do any running at all).
> Cheer up;  as more and more Region 1 countries allocate the 7100-7200
> KHz segment to their amateurs, the pressure to use SSB on the low end
> will diminish.  Then all we will have to worry about is the vastly
> increasing use of digital modes other than Morse.
> Just my two quid worth...
> 73, Fred, K3ZO
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