[CQ-Contest] QRPers --- Please QRQ

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 7 19:18:32 EST 2005

And with the correct procedures, fills are minimal. Ask for what is 
needed... quickly.
And send it once... let the rx station request what ... and only what he 
I got real exasperated with the constant check for fills in an obvious 
effort to insure correctness.

However, if you ALT W my Q, there are many contests, that will take away a 
Then, when you call me, late in the test, and need the extra mult.... 
well...my answer will be
SRI QSO B4....
and you miss the mult. or the Q... in either case... being in too much a 
rush may cost you more than you think. Especially when after the test, 
review of the log... occurs.

--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S qrp in Wy

>From: "Barry " <w2up at mindspring.com>
>Reply-To: w2up at mindspring.com
>To: "CQ-Contest" <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
>Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QRPers --- Please QRQ
>Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 20:42:17 -0000
>Another note for QRPers, and anyone else, for that matter.
>Please follow instructions.  If I say "NR ONLY" don't repeat the
>whole exchange.  If I ask for "suffix only" don't give me your enitre
>call again.
>It's uncanny how the QSB and QRM manages to block the same part of
>what you're sending each time you send the whole thing!
>Barry W2UP
>P.S. I still think WE should get double points for working QRPers.
>It's the receiving station that has the hard job!
>On 7 Nov 2005 K0HB wrote:
> > While Danny may shoot me for saying it, it's great to see so many
> > QRPers in contesting.
> >
> > But it seems that many of them feel they need to send slooooooow and
> > use "words twice" procedure to get their message across.  Bad idea,
> > guys.
> >
> > Send your exchange AS RAPIDLY AS YOU CAN, and avoid the temptation to
> > send it twice "just to make sure I got it".
> >
> > Honestly, in a contest with lots of band noise/competing
> > signals/fatigue/etc, you have a short window to get your message to
> > me.  More often than not (especially with the long SS exchange) QSB or
> > QRM is going to take you out, and I'm going to need fills.  And even
> > more-more often than not, I won't be able to hear the fills, so I give
> > up on you.
> >
> > "Telling it like it is", the result is that your UBN shows "NIL" for
> > that Q, because after the second try you're going to get a quick "R
> > TU" from me and I'll do an <alt-W> and move on.
> >
> > 73, de Hans, K0HB
> > --
> > http://www.home.earthlink.net/~k0hb
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>Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
>Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club
>CQ-Contest mailing list
>CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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