[CQ-Contest] QRPers --- Please QRQ

DL8MBS prickler.schneider at t-online.de
Tue Nov 8 07:33:00 EST 2005

de dl8mbs/mostly qrp
Hello Hans et al, from my experience qrq isn´t generally better. In the 
qsb-case qrq is favourable as well as on a not too crowded 80 or 
20m-band with a good signal strength from the qrp-end. BUT: in more 
difficult situations more stations get my callsign right with the first 
call or get the exchange faster when I send below average speed of the 
contest. 160m-Dxing isn´t done with 40wpm, too. The -... ... at the end 
of my call isn´t too qrq-friendly and the regular problems with those 
two letters are most often eased with a bit slower repeat (but of course 
not the leftfoot-speed). Totally different for those qrp-stations with 
big antennas, but I have to torture my counterparts with signals from 
low wire-antennas. Still learning about the secrets of speed and timing 
the call - as perhaps some SS-contestants launching those inviting 
40wpm-CQs at times when five minutes pass without caller...

Ans so many ways to terminate a qso: Some give r or tu which later means 
NIL (revenge for a frustrating and rate-hampering effort?). There are 
ops who suddenly give up on the qso without any remark and continue qrz 
or working another caller (to hold the qrg?). The strange thing with 
that: a lot of them had me in the log (got "qso b4" when calling them 
later). Not to mention those CQing-stations who disappear for ever from 
the qrg during the attempt... One loud east coast station escaped that 
way from my signal twice during WAG. Hopefully he will add a "sri nil" 
or "sri ltr"-shortcut.

But there are also hams who try harder than I expect and want them to 
try. I feel their pain and hope they say sri ltr. But they try and try 
until they get it - callsigns to remember for the rest of the contest 
and longer (of course unclever from the viewpoint of the rate-kings).

Even not being a fan of some net-based crutches I was intrigued by 
W2EV´s proposal with an online-power-info. But it will only force 
cheaters to try harder to cheat (software-tricks, remote amps?). But 
"Integrity" and definitions of cheating vs accepted "Flexibility" is too 
big a can of worms.
73, Chris (DL8MBS)

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