[CQ-Contest] Poor Recorded Audio During the CQWW SSB Contest

PY2NY - Vitor py2ny at arrl.net
Wed Nov 9 19:43:45 EST 2005

I am using DVS-2 at my FT-1000mp
and amp. Hope that you can tell me
the reality audio condition, while
listening my call at any contest...
- py2ny -
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <W8FJ at aol.com>
To: <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Poor Recorded Audio During the CQWW SSB Contest

> Alan, N7BF wrote the following:
> Now that I mentioned pre-recorded audio, some of the people need to hear
> what they sound like with their transmit volume turned up so loud and the
> compression on full blast, and then they pump a pre-recorded wave file 
> into
> their transmitter that probably already has compression on it.  Most of
> these sounded horrible even when they went live.  You can hardly 
> understand
> what they're saying and they're S9+ into my receiver.  They were also MUCH
> wider in bandwidth than everyone else.  I wasn't running wave files but I
> sure hope I didn't sound like that.  I was thinking of recording some of
> these people and e-mailing them a wave file of what they sounded like.
> Don't know if it'd be worth it or not.  They'd probably just get upset at 
> me
> and say the distortion was all the fault of my receiver.
> I am primarily a cw operator so I'm certainly no expert of ssb, but I get
> into the SSB DX Contests to help bolster my club's aggregate score.  The 
> quality
> of the pre-recorded audio on a tremendous number of stations this year was
> simply awful!  The splatter was also awful!  The ability to copy weaker 
> station
> was greatly compromised by the lousy audio of so many of the louder 
> stations,
> and there were lots of VERY loud stations.  When I could finally decipher 
> a
> CQer's call and called him, his "non-recorded" answer to my call was quite
> intelligible.  I can't believe that so many people have absolutely no idea 
> how bad
> they sound when they hit the cq button on their keyboards.
> I'm looking forward to the cw weekend.  CW has it's problems too.  There 
> will
> be stations with clicks on that mode, but as horrible as the clicks are,
> they're much easier to copy though than the stuff I endured this past 
> weekend.
> Clean up your pre-recorded audio guys!!
> John, W8FJ...
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