[CQ-Contest] Competitor Friendly Contesting

Hrvoje Horvat hrle at ipazin.net
Sat Nov 12 07:22:08 EST 2005

Tom, NI1N said it much better then I did: "Catering to the older people
seems counter-productive to attracting younger ones."

If we will make everything for OM then my conclusion at age 22 is that in 41
years I'll be fishing somewhere and hamradio will be a story for grandkids.
At age of 17 I'd already quit if it werent for WWYC but that's another

WPX and WAE are 36, IARU is 24, IOTA can be 12, Sprints are 4...

The most impressive story comes from one YL ham who told me a story about
168 hours long contests years ago. Wasnt that something?! Unfortunatly I
will never try it...

Stay cool...
Hrle - 9A6XX

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