[CQ-Contest] CQWWCW on 14.029 Mhz

n6cw@aol.com n6cw at aol.com
Tue Nov 22 17:49:38 EST 2005

Just a reminder that for a lot of us plagued by neighborhood RFI, that 14.029-.030 is a bad run freq for DX. My RFI level is S5 on that freq, and at the moment I am listening to ZD8A who is pushing the meter to S9, and with QSB, he is in the RFI zone. Another bad frequency is 14.070, but we probably won't have that much activity for that to be a problem this year.
Good luck to all this weekend.
Terry Baxter/N6CW
QSL manager for ZD8A, direct, bureau or email requests happily accepted.

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