[CQ-Contest] Alumni contesters

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Thu Nov 24 10:18:57 EST 2005

W2SZ used to be active in contests, when I was there, there (mid 
70s).  Haven't heard them lately.  Besides me, there's W2SC (8PxA), 
K1EP, K2SS, the VHF guys of SZ/1 fame.  I'm sure I'm missing some.
Barry W2UP

On 23 Nov 2005 Kenneth E. Harker wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:01:12PM -0500, Art Boyars wrote:
> > Alma Mater W1MX was on in SS, both modes.  I was there during the
> > era when a lot of college clubs were active, even in HF contesting
> > -- W8UM, W8SH, W9YB, W1ET, W9YT (my grad school).  A lot of good
> > contest op's come through those clubs.  I noticed several of the
> > following W1MX alumni in SS CW, and they have told me a few calls
> > current in contesting that I had forgotten or did not know.
> > 
> > W4RX, W2RU, W6OAT, W4ZV (not SS), N6XI, AJ6V, AD1C, ND2T, W1UF
> > (mostly VHF), W5XD, and N1MM.
> > 
> > So, did I miss any W1MX alum's, and what other schools are
> > represented out there in Contestland?
> The University of Texas has produced several well-known contesters,
> including two editors of the _NCJ_, and (we think) more WRTC
> contestants than any other college or university in the United States:
> http://n5xu.ae.utexas.edu/history/contesting.shtml
> See also:
> http://www.collegiatechampionship.org/
> -- 
> Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
> kenharker at kenharker.com
> http://www.kenharker.com/
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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