[CQ-Contest] Pet Peeve

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mts.net
Mon Oct 3 23:37:07 EDT 2005

Why not just a rule that says anybody whose callsign doesn't match their
location must signify such with the / designator?

That way you know that VE4XT/W6 is in California and N6TR/7 is not. (Not
picking on anyone, just an example.) That CAN'T be any more cumbersome than

Admittedly, it's not an exact science in states that don't comprise the
entire call area, but it works for New England and is at least something for

Oh, wait. I forgot. That used to be law. Then someone went and changed it!

Or we could just leave well enough alone. When VE4VV and I did MNQP as a
rover this year (VA4MWA/W0/cty) people figured it out, or asked nicely if we
were in MN. Which was fine. And if having to ask or wait for the exchange
slows you down, well, at least it slows down everybody equally.

73, kelly

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas R. Williams" <n2cu at magtrol.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 11:58 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Pet Peeve

> CQP (for CA stations)
> CQ CA (for outside CA stations)
> This is a good idea, but it can't be applied to all QSO
> parties. For example: the New England QSO Party. Stations
> outside of New England can't very well call CQ NE; they
> might get only answers from Nebraska! How about the
> Mid-Atlantic QSO Party? CQ MA will get you Massachusetts.
> I feel it would be better to sign CALL / STATE if not in the
> host state or region. This is the only foolproof way of
> sorting it out.
> 73,
> Tom N2CU <><
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