[CQ-Contest] CQWW Multi-Single Rule

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Wed Sep 14 09:06:34 EDT 2005

Back in the "dark ages", when I was in college, we had a station (W1MX) 
with only a single exciter and a single receiver.  But we sometimes had 
more than one person who wanted to operate in a given contest.  So we 
shared the contest period and the lone operating position, sometimes 
setting up operating schedules, sometimes just "winging it" as to who 
was the operator for each hour.  To my way of thinking, we were TRULY 

I believe there are still people who like to participate in DX contests 
that way today -- whether at club stations or home stations.  And I 
believe there are many stations (dare I say "most") that it would be 
next to impossible to configure so as to have two independent 
transmitters active.

Now, if you define M-S as allowing a second transmitter to run around 
chasing multipliers on other bands independent of the primary 
transmitter, what do you do to these TRULY multi-single situations?  
Have you frozen them out of being competitive in the so-called M-S 

Perhaps there should be an m-T-s category (multi-operator, TRULY single 

Bud, W2RU

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