[CQ-Contest] 222 MHz Spring Sprint Scoreboard

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 13 16:25:27 EDT 2006

I could simply say I scored 8 QSO's in 7 Grids in the
final hour of the contest (the only hour that I could
operate), but that would only tell a part of the

Instead, I'll point you to:

You can see how each of the RFSport Logger stations
did by looking at the Online Scoreboard.

Note: The P.I. column refers to "Performance Index". 
The first number is the operator count at the station.
 The next two bytes is the stations ERP in dBmi (0dbm
+ 0dbi = 0).

Each callsign has a hyperlink that will take you to a
map and their log.

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board) by visiting http://www.RFSport.com

Ev, W2EV

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