[CQ-Contest] 2006 SPDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 27Apr2006

mwdink at eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Thu Apr 27 13:35:06 EDT 2006

2006 SPDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 27Apr2006

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: May 23, 2006
E-mail logs to: sprtty[at]pzk[dot]org[dot]pl
Mail logs to:
  SPDX RTTY Contest Manager
Christopher Ulatowski
Box 253
81 - 963 Gdynia 1
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt  Cont   hr      Score Club
7X0RY             1123 11185   220     6    24 14,764,200 OL1RY
ZC4LI(STEVE)      1054  9830   216     6    24 12,739,680 ESBA
RD3A(RD3AF)       1028  6255   249     6    24  9,007,200 
LZ8A(LZ2BE)        860  5232   213     6    17  6,686,496 
I1COB              651  4047   190     6    21  4,613,580 
RW4PL              641  3778   177     6    18  3,876,228 RCC
LT0H(LU3HY)        442  4357   135     6    15  3,529,178 R C Córdoba
DC3HB              405  2531   146     6    15  2,217,156 DRCG
DL4R(DL4RCK)       435  2482   146     6   9,5  2,175,984 DRCG
VA1CHP             345  2612   109     6        1,723,920 MCC

DJ3IW              267  1882   119     6     9  1,343,748 DRCG
F5CQ               159   960    89     6     6    512,640 LNDX
G3TXF              200  1149    91     4     8    418,236 CDXC Chiltern DX Clu
W4ZE               145   934    61     6   6.5    341,844 
NA2M               119   708    51     6          216,648 OBONY
AD6WL              133    34   705     6     8    143,820 
AD4EB              100   575    45     6     3    134,550 TCG
N4ZZ                96   546    41     5     2     98,280 TCG
AI9T                38   210    21     5     3     22,050 
W7WHY               27   111    10     2     2      2,442 

WA6BOB               4    11     2     1 00:20         22 SCCC

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt  Cont   hr      Score Club
UT9FJ              869  5124   216     6    20  6,640,704 CRIMEAN CONTEST CLUB
LZ9R(LZ3YY)        644  3804   185     6    20  4,222,440 
MW0CRI(DAVID)      424  2377   158     6    12  2,253,396 cdxc
4X6UU              307  2945   115     6        2,032,050 
Z31GX              364     0     0     5    10  1,125,500 
GU0SUP             158   945    84     6     8    476,280 BARTG
VE3GSI             156    61  1082     6          396,012 
ON4QX              182  1022    66     5          337,260 
YO2GL              173  1037    55     5          331,840 
KP4AH              125   919     6     6          319,812 

DL8MBS             135   764    62     5     6    236,840 
ON4CT              124     0     0     5     5    219,420 
W4LC               120   684    49     6    10    201,096 KCG
DL1ZBO             113   623    56     5  3:43    174,440 DRCG
N1NQX               84   541    35     6     4    113,610 
SP5XOV              82   504    53     4          106,848 
OH9GIT(VAINO)      130   660    52     3          102,960 CCF
IK3WUB              59   430    33     4           56,760 
VA7ST               78   451    23     4           41,492 
SV1XV               45   300    31     4           37,200 BARTG

OP4A               100   502    36     2  4.30     36,144 
9A5CW               62   322    35     3     2     33,810 WWYC
KS0M                58   257    19     5           24,415 
DJ6TK               35   212    22     3  1:56     13,992 RR DX


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