[CQ-Contest] A proposal

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 2 16:51:33 EDT 2006

  I think these people who claim that contest activity take up all the bands have a "poor" excuse.

  During a DX contest only 20/15/10 meters are being used during the day and 160/80/40 and maybe
  20 meters at night. During SS you could add 40 meters as a band that would be used during the 
  day. Plus, most contests are a single mode - either CW or SSB only on a given weekend. The only 
  major multi-mode contests I can think of are IARU or the ARRL 10 meter contest. I'm sorry but there
  is plenty of room for everyone to co-exist.

    I would like to see a few short operating events on the WARC bands. Maybe something like a 
  Sprint format and low power so you couldn't just sit on a frequency and CQ.  If I remember right 
 didn't the ARRL allow contacts on the WARC bands during Field Day one year ??

     These "contest bashers" are going to harass us no matter what band a contest is going on.
   99% of these guys are old farts who have nothing better to do... In fact they are probably the same 
   people you heard harassing the KH8SI Dxpedition.

  Jeff KU8E

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