[CQ-Contest] "?" not equal to "QRL?"

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Aug 9 22:35:36 EDT 2006

I heed the advice of a local old-timer, and after listening to a frequency for a few seconds I send "N4ZR test" as my QRL-equivalent.  If I don't hear a "QRL" or a "CQ" or someone completing a QSO on the frequency, a full CQ is next.  I don't expect any more slack than that when I'm operating SO2R, and don't think others should either.

73, Pete N4ZR

At 07:35 PM 8/9/2006, Mark Beckwith wrote:
>> If I send a question mark (di di dah dah di dit) twice
>> and hear nothing, the frequency is mine to use.
> "Di-di-dah-dah-di-dit" does not mean "is the frequency in use?"  Using it 
>as such is bad form.  MHO.
> Mark, N5OT 
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