[CQ-Contest] "?" not equal to "QRL?"

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 10 09:36:38 EDT 2006

Me: CQ de W2EV W2EV W2EV K (at say, 18wpm)
Me: YV0EAR DE W2EV WNY K  (I munged the call )
Me: YV0ARU/9 DE W2EV WNY K (I still munged the call)
You: DE YV0IARU/9 YV0IARU/9 YV0IARU/9 K (at 15 wpm)

 NOTE: while "You" are sending the above (at 18 wpm)
       another station, who cannot hear "You" comes
       on and sends "?".  I hear them loud.  They wait
       a second and start CQing, killing the

I need to make a decision in the heat of the contest. 
Are they asking me for my call?  Are they asking QRL? 
If the first and I don't answer right away, then they
will know that I am responding to another station, the
frequency is in operation and wait (or QSY).  If the
second, I send RR and continue to listen for that YV0.

The use of "?" is ambiguous.  The use of "QRL" is not.

"?" is NOT equal to "QRL".  It is important to use the
appropriate query for the appropriate circumstance. 
In my opinion, that is the "Good Amateur Practice"
that Riley Hollingsworth refers to when "rules" or
other operating guidelines are otherwise ambiguous. 
Let's keep playing nice. :)

Ev, W2EV

PS: The comments about how I shouldn't be contesting
at only 18wpm or ought to be able to copy such
callsigns on the first try may now begin. :)

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