[CQ-Contest] 2006 CQ WW 160 Claimed Scores Posted

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 10 18:55:28 EDT 2006

The 2006 CQ 160 claimed scores have been posted on the CQ Magazine Web site.
Go to:


Then click on xontest rules and Info
Then CQ World Wide 160 Contest

Remember the Multi Station Operators and Guest Operators are the extended
results for the 2005 contest.

The Top 400 scores are shown.  I have since found one log with a big score
and added one log that was initially rejected.

Please make sure that your log is actually acepted.  getting a reply from
the robot is valid only if you get a confirmation number.  And please make
sure the logging program plugs in the claimed score.  The claimed score is
used to assure the log is within metrics.

If you do not find your log (make sure its within the scores listed) please
e-mail me at k4jrb at juno not this address!

73 Dave K4JRB  CQ 160 Contests Director

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