[CQ-Contest] ARRL says no to opening logs...

Tom McAlee tom at klient.com
Mon Aug 14 14:04:48 EDT 2006

Dave - I think the issue is that people can send off a QSL and receive a 
response for a QSO they never made if they notice in a log search that 
someone else's call was busted as their own.

Not that I would do this, but here's an example...

I search a DX log for NI1N.  I notice a QSO there that I didn't make. 
Perhaps it was NN1N who really made it; people seem to confuse us on a 
regular basis (I hear "hi Dave" quite a bit!)  So anyway, I fill out a card 
based on the info in the online log and send it in.  Most likely, I will 
receive a reply.

Excluding full information (at least date/time) in the online log will help 
avoid this.  If I just want to make sure I worked them (to avoid having to 
make a "confirmation QSO"), all I really need to see is the band/mode.

Tom, NI1N

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <k1ttt at arrl.net>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL says no to opening logs...

> here is the new rule:
> 5. The presentation in any public forum of logs or other representations
> of station operation showing details of station activity or other
> information from which all essential QSO elements (time, date, band, mode
> and callsign) for individual contacts can be derived creates a question as
> to the integrity of the claimed QSOs with that station during the period
> encompassed by the log. Presentation of such information in any public
> forum by the station operator, operators or associated parties is not
> allowed and may be considered sufficient reason to deny ARRL award credit
> for contacts with any station for which such presentations have been made.
> Persistent violation of this provision may result in disqualification from
> the DXCC program.
> this makes no sense at all...  How does confirming that you actually have
> a contact in the log before actually sending for a card, or submitting to
> LOTW threaten the qsl process??  doesn't the qso have to show in both logs
> (on lotw), or the manager has to find the requested qso in the log to get
> back a card anyway??  how does your knowing that you actually got logged
> affect that?
> Personally, this is one of the many reasons i refuse to bother with DXCC
> and many of the other awards programs that are controlled by crazy sets of
> rules that can be changed on the whim of some administrator.  Maybe i'll
> just publish all my logs and be done with it, no more dxcc for me or
> anyone trying to claim a contact with me!!
>> Sorry guys,
>> all your (our) contest logs which are fully published in the internet are
>> now no-go for DXCC... well, at least it means less QSL-work.
>> Or maybe removing sent report is enough?
>>    Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG, informs: For a number
>>    of years, it has been accepted practice to post DXpedition QSO
>> informa-
>>    tion on a DXpedition Web site. Although this information is generally
>>    limited to callsign, band and mode, it has been useful in reducing
>> the
>>    number of duplicate contacts in the DXpedition log. Publishing
>> complete
>>    QSO information, or information from which full QSO information can
>> be
>>    derived, on the other hand, threatens the integrity of the QSLing
>>    process, and is unacceptable. There must be some information that the
>>    station claiming the QSO provides based solely on actually being
>> there
>>    when the QSO was made. If complete QSO information can be derived
>> from
>>    information based on the DXpedition log, the QSL manager's job can be
>>    much more difficult if busted calls are involved. To help minimize
>>    potential difficulties, therefore, the following restriction has been
>>    approved by the Programs and Services Committee, and added to the
>>    Accreditation Criteria, Section III.
>> 73, Timo OH1NOA
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