[CQ-Contest] ARRL says no to opening logs...

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Aug 14 14:05:45 EDT 2006

On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 k1ttt at arrl.net wrote:

> here is the new rule:
> 5. The presentation in any public forum of logs or other representations
> of station operation showing details of station activity or other
> information from which all essential QSO elements (time, date, band, mode
> and callsign) for individual contacts can be derived creates a question as
> to the integrity of the claimed QSOs with that station during the period
> encompassed by the log. Presentation of such information in any public
> forum by the station operator, operators or associated parties is not
> allowed and may be considered sufficient reason to deny ARRL award credit
> for contacts with any station for which such presentations have been made.
> Persistent violation of this provision may result in disqualification from
> the DXCC program.
> this makes no sense at all...  How does confirming that you actually have
> a contact in the log before actually sending for a card, or submitting to
> LOTW threaten the qsl process??  doesn't the qso have to show in both logs
> (on lotw), or the manager has to find the requested qso in the log to get
> back a card anyway??  how does your knowing that you actually got logged
> affect that?

I think we went over this, maybe it wasn't here but on a DX group.

If ALL the QSO info is available via internet or whatever, someone could 
claim a busted call and get a card.  Or someone with a legitimate busted 
call could end up losing the QSO because the owner of the busted call got 

If at least some info about the QSO is known only to the QSL'er and the 
person who is/isn't in the log, the first situation above isn't likely to 
happen unless the other station actually heard you work them, and the 
second can be remedied.

An example of this was a DXpedition I worked several years ago.  I had 
about 7 QSO's in their log but my 40m CW QSO was missing.  I suspected 
they busted it and guessed at the busted call.  That call showed up in 
their log search engine with only one QSO - on 40 CW.

I sent another card to the manager for the missing QSO and explaining I 
thought the call was busted as W9##. He said all my QSO info was correct 
but just wanted to double-check with the station whose call was in the 
log.  That person informed the manager he wasn't even a DX'er, so I got 
the card for the missing QSO.

But had he said otherwise, he'd have had to supply the QSL manager with 
the date and time.

73, Zack W9SZ

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