[CQ-Contest] ARRL says no to opening logs...

David Robbins K1TTT k1ttt at arrl.net
Mon Aug 14 16:38:57 EDT 2006

> If ALL the QSO info is available via internet or whatever, someone could
> claim a busted call and get a card.  Or someone with a legitimate busted
> call could end up losing the QSO because the owner of the busted call got
> it.

STOP RIGHT THERE!  How do you claim a 'busted call' to get a card??  If your
call isn't in their log, how do you get a card???

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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