[CQ-Contest] integrity in qsling (was ARRL sez no)

kr2q at optonline.net kr2q at optonline.net
Mon Aug 14 19:45:46 EDT 2006

Let me get this straight....

It is "common knowledge" (not to me) that if one begs and pleads that one can get a sympathy
qsl out of the qsl mgr.  So the process of issuing qsl's is corrupted!  And the solution to QSL mgr
corruption is to come up with this ruling?  

Also...when I get a qsl, to look, I just plug in the callsign.  If I have the guy in my log on several
bands/modes, I fill out the qsl for all of 'em, no matter what he is "asking" for on his card.  I don't
check the time, I don't even check the date.  If it from a contest, well, who cares?  If he's "in the log"
he gets a qsl.  If he is not in the log (even if he is "close), he gets zip.  Am I the only one who thinks
this way?

I think posting logs on line if FB for DxPeds.  If you worked the guy, you can stop calling that band/
mode/etc.  If you see he busted your call, you keep trying until you get in the log the right way.  

I still can't believe that if someone sends in their QSL to a DxPed based on a simple listing of "only"
the callsign, that the qsl mgr isn't going to issue a qsl based simply a "hit" in the log, no matter what
time is logged.  I see nothing wrong with that.  But you're telling me that you think they will be
coerced into issuing a qsl for a "close" callsign, but that by leaving out the "details" on-line, that this
will "solve" the perceived (or real) issue?  What kind of thinking is this?

Holy cow.

de Doug KR2Q

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