[CQ-Contest] Bencher paddles

Keith Kerr k.kerr at abdn.ac.uk
Wed Aug 16 05:11:01 EDT 2006

It is interesting to observe the 'drift' on a subject as the number of 
postings increases.....our version of 'Chinese whispers' I guess.

My Bencher attracted attention due to its odd X-Ray profile. On examination 
it attracted attention due to its weight. (As an aside, when I do my 9M2 
trips I carry very light-weight cheapo plastic paddles and stick 'em to the 
bench/table/suitcase/floor.....OK but Bencher is better).

I am delighted that security stopped me and searched me. I would have been 
disturbed if they had waved all that paraphernalia through with no comment.

What did bother me was the 'positive' chemical screening test. Perhaps it 
was a glitch. No-one else has so-far reported one.

Keith GM4YXI (GM7V)

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