[CQ-Contest] 1966 vs 2006 [was: Why did the Canadians (PT5M)beat the

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Mon Aug 21 22:40:15 EDT 2006

EU1SA wrote:
 >His 3 ele plus 500 W transmitted were
able to break another hop losses, so that the crowd of 100 W/wet noodle guys
could hear HIM, but by return their energy could NOT break the 3rd hop power
limit minimum required.

         This can also sometimes indicate a station
running excessive power.  They can generate a nice
pileup of weak stations calling, but if gain is
not reciprocal (due to antenna/location rather than
power) on BOTH transmit and receive, they will not
be able to hear many of the callers.  I was in a QRP
only contest a few years ago and one station got many
consistent comments from around the country about his
signal strength.  The QRO clue was that he could not
hear many of the other QRP guys calling.  Some said
"one-way propagation" but I know better

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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