[CQ-Contest] Random acts of kindness, Unassisted Categories, Rules, etc.

Ken Widelitz widelitz at gte.net
Mon Dec 4 21:34:20 EST 2006

Hi Tree, et. al.,

Yes, running illegal power or claiming low power when you are running high
power fits into this category in that it is virtually impossible to get
caught, except if you are running gas you are intentionally cheating. There
is no grey area. You are cheating.

If you call "CQ, especially looking for VY1" and you are not connected to
packet, you are not cheating, intentionally or otherwise. I don't equate
hoping for a "random act of kindness" with intentionally cheating. I don't
equate calling a directional CQ with asking where to find the VY1, although,
as a result of a "random act of kindness" that CQ might be so interpreted.

So I guess we have a fundamental difference of opinion.

73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

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