[CQ-Contest] Enforceable rules

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 5 19:53:15 EST 2006

Again, if they have decided that the check is
meaningless, then why state what it is in the rules? 
Why not state "send any 2 digit number?"  It never
says "send an honest signal report" just "signal
report".  And remember, RST is relative and
subjective.  Compared to the signal coming from the
Voyager I spacecraft (which is still transmitting),
every signal in the contest is a 599.

73s John W5TD

--- Kelly Taylor <ve4xt at mts.net> wrote:

> >>And what about publicly (more or less) stating
> that you won't enfore 
> >>certain rules.  For example, to go
> >>back to a topic that was discussed before-the SS
> rules say the check is 
> >>the last 2 digits of the year first
> >>licensed, but then the ARRL has told individuals
> that they really don't 
> >>enforce this.
> Sorry, but what's to enforce here? Should ARRL then
> be enforcing 'honest' 
> RST? How would the log checker know that you were
> really only 335C and not 
> ENN? And in ARRL DX, should DX stations be required
> to monitor their output 
> with a Bird so that they don't send KW when really
> they should send 998 
> watts? Should they then be required to send 996
> watts when their line 
> voltage drops?
> Should the League compile a database of all amateur
> radio licences issued in 
> the world so that they can cross-reference a log
> with an operator's real 
> "first year of licence?" "Hey, he's sending 74, but
> I KNOW he was licenced 
> in Germany before he came to Canada. No fair!"
> C'mon, how long do you want to wait for the results?
> Say your check is 82. Can you PROVE that you weren't
> licenced before 1982? 
> Ever try to prove a negative?
> How does it make one whit of difference to me if you
> send 00 or 77 or 73 as 
> a check?
> Providence: Grant me the courage to change the
> things that matter, the 
> serenity to accept the things that don't and the
> wisdom to know the 
> difference!
> 73, kelly
> ve4xt 
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