[CQ-Contest] 15 minute log deadline

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Tue Dec 12 20:43:15 EST 2006

Matt said:

> Agreed, but let's really get serious about this if we're gonna get serious
> about this.
> There should be a short delay in any real time gatherings on the real 3830
> until 15 minutes after the contest is over. That will give everybody time
> to: email their log; upload to LoTW if they want (no let's not get this
> thread going again); and even go potty if needed.

You say 15 minutes, I say 7 days.  We're both saying the same thing except 
that one can do more unsportsmanlike massaging in 7 days than in 15 minutes. 
Both are hugely better than 30 days.  Where the problem could really lie is 
when someone submits a log after 30 days that turns out to have a 
suspiciously low error rate.  This is one reason it would be great if the 
ARRL would get on the bandwagon with SS and publish the error rates of the 
competitors - that would be very interesting to see.

The NA Sprint is a great example of successfully lowering the log deadline 
to 7 days.  That contest is as strong as ever and the results are as 
credible as ever.

Personally, I would go for the 15 minute deadline.  I think that would be 

Note, everybody, I don't think we need a bunch of emails about how this is a 
hardship for some people.  I think we all know that.  This is just a 
conversation about "wouldn't it be neat if..."

Yeah, it would be neat.

73 - Mark, N5OT 

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