[CQ-Contest] ZERO points
k3bu at optonline.net
k3bu at optonline.net
Fri Dec 22 00:13:30 EST 2006
> k3bu at optonline.net wrote:
> I think more important subjects how to improve our major
> contests, like fixing the ZERO points for own country,
> ------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
> It's fascinating that you find the major problem in contesting to be
> something that applies EQUALLY to all contestants and gives no
> advantage to anybody, and yet easily corrected disparities you
> consider not to be a problem.
> Sigh.
> Bill, W6WRT
Your really think that ZERO points for own country applies EQUALLY to all contestants, like to VP9 and W/K/N, or JAs, or OMs etc?
OK, let me 'splain again and once for all, what the "fascination" with my beef about ZERO pointers.
I presume that way back when CQ WW DX contest started, the idea was how many DX stations one can work, especially for the US stations and giving DX 3 points was to encourage them to show up for the contest, they would be in demand because of bonus points and being multipliers.
Then "funny" thing happened, CQ WW got so popular that became #1 contest, world top scores and records were being kept and big deal working bunch of DX isn't anymore big deal. You can work DXCC on one weekend, even on 160. So the contest became unofficial world championship with really skewed scoring, and Jessie Jackson would say, discriminatory scoring system, with huge bias against the populous ham countries. VP9 next door can work 1000 Ws for 2 pointers, but W can work only couple for multiplier credit and ZILCH points, so is missing those 1000 QSOs. The point is that in todays situation and status of CQ WW there is no need for that rule. What? Trying to discourage participation from US, JA, UA etc. stations by penalizing them for having lotsa hams?
The result is, that US (and other) stations are virtually eliminated from the world top score boxes, they are handicapped by about minus 60%. The result is completely lopsided results, not reflecting fine stations and operators from US. This is the negative effect on score listings and attempt to compare results and skills.
This sure does not encourage US stations to get on, while Euros are exploding with activity, because they do not get deprived of working their next door contesters. The effect of that on US participation is that low bands get very lonely and there is not much to work, especially for little pistols that would like to get some runs going when things get dead DX wise. Look at the scores of top stations on low bands, Euros can work some 1800 QSOs on 160 while top US can barely work 500 and out of that 150 are ZERO pointers. Next door Carribbeatniks, are having a ball working pileups of lonely US suckers whole night. How is that EQUAL??? How does that encourage US participation when it gets soooo boring by having taboo working stations 2000 miles away on the continent? In CQ 160 contest US stations can make some 1800 QSOs, would it hurt CQ WW if we managed to work some 2000 QSOs on 160?
The arguments that CQ WW would turn into Sweepstakes is just uninformed and silly. Anyone thinks that I would be working US stations and ignoring more pointer DX? W6 is DX for East coast, yet we are forbidden to work it for a point. We either call CQs in hope to attract somone who just woke up or wait for mercy from some DX or multi to show up for couple of multiplier QSOs. It gets really boring with not much to work, when we could be busy working each other, just like rest of the world does. This would increase interest and participation. Proof of that is WPX, where after implementing 1 point for domestic QSO its popularity and scores just jumped. Did it turn into Sweepstakes? No, just more fun especially on low bands and US stations have a chance to show up in top boxes.
Another point is, that we are never at the point that there are too many stations in the contest and we would not be able to work them, if we could work our own. I find that second 24 hours bring about half of QSOs than the first 24, so everyone (except Af and SA) could use more activity. What is the danger of working own country? You think that one would scan page from the Callbook with 1000s of unique Ws? Those days are over with the present log checking system.
I understand that some CC members build stations on the other continents and love to have that 60 or 30% advantage and they would prefer to keep things intact.
But the reality is that if the contest like CQ WW has achieved the status it has, then to make it better and more fair scoring system, it is perhaps time to accomodate the reality and change the scoring system. Any change should be in the scores increasing direction in order to preserve the records and now, at low sunspot cycle and new millenium, it would be the best time to do it.
The proposed changes would be to have 1 point for domestic QSOs, 2 points for own continent and 3 points for the other continet QSOs.
The even better proposal would be to give 3 points to everybody. Those close to equator or being multipliers will still have the propagation and rarity advantage but not 60%.
So the net result will be more fair scoring system with more meanigfull and comparable results and records, more fun, more participation and no discrimination/penalizing for being big country or having more hams.
No disrespect to those casual contesters that end up down on the totem pole, we love you, we have been there too and eventually worked our way up by building stations and honing our skills and we would like to have a way of reasonable comparison for our efforts. But I seem to see endless discussions especially by those that we do not see in the top boxes, trying to "fix" this or that, what is "assisted", real time scoring, well you see what gets trashed on the reflector, while really important things get categorized as this example.
Can we have some objections from CQ WW CC members why we could not improve our beloved contest? Or am I just weird lone nut way off the rocker?
Why I still love contesting after 48 years of doing it? Each contest is the new competition, at 0000 we are all equal, 48 hours later we have a chance to compare the results of our station building and operating skills. I would love it even more, if those results were more meanigfull and reflection of the current status. Ther are many on the DXCC Honor Roll, but there can be only one record holder or one winner of this or that contest, this is the attraction and this is why we go nuts few times a year and see how we can improve or beat this or that.
I hope this sheds some light on the subject and shows that it DOES NOT apply EQUALLY to all contestants. You might look at it differently, but those that take it seriously, I believe, would agree with me.
73 and Joyous Christmas!
Yuri, K3BU
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