[CQ-Contest] Working dupes

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 2 06:58:43 EST 2006

--- Tree <tree at kkn.net> wrote:
> If the QSO shows up in both logs at some point -
> there can't be any NIL deductions.  Essentially 
> what the software has to do is count the
> first "QSO" as the dupe.  

>From what I understand (which may be wrong), this
applies only to the "robot" that Tree knows about. 
There is nothing keeping anyone else from writing
their own that treats it differently.

There is a Cabrillo spec.  There is no Cabrillo Robot
Spec, fwiw.  It is best to ask for each event for
which you participate.

Ev, W2EV

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