[CQ-Contest] Categories

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Sat Feb 4 11:00:08 EST 2006

David Robbins K1TTT wrote: "Or does their so2r category let you tx on 2
bands at once as a s/o"

Personally, and I suspect I echo the sentiment on 99% of SO1R....I couldn't
care less how SO2R operates! Long ago, I discontinued my "direct
competition", with SO2R! I do find it humorous, that some of the same SO2R
operators, that chastised me, for even thinking of "leveling" the playing
field, are now campaigning for more categories, that will suit their
"non-competitive" stations, in NAQP? What happened to "operate the best you
can, with what you have, and have fun"?

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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