[CQ-Contest] Cabrillo Observation [was:Trying to compile list ...]

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 7 07:19:18 EST 2006

> >VR2BrettGraham wrote:
> >The Cabrillo specification itself defines that at:
> >http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/spec.html

> >It does help illustrate the anarchy that Cabrillo
> >has become, with so many deviations being devised
> >& masquerading behind the name...

> >Why is it so difficult to work with the spec?

As someone who is trying for the first time to
understand Cabrillo (not simply use it as it was
deployed within someone elses program), I have been
confused myself, but mostly by the way that robots
process the data (ofen quite differently than the way
the spec reads).  This is no reflection on the concept
(it is brilliant in its simplicity).

I've observed that...
... the Cabrillo specification document says one thing
... the contest organizer implements it as "one-degree
off but close enough"
... the submission-robot writer implements it as
"another degree off but will work if you spend the
time to test it"

Again, this is no reflection on individuals, products
or the Cabrillo concept (I remember what we used to do
before, and it wasn't pretty <smile>).  It's simply an
incomplete observation by someone who probably hasn't
fully grasped all aspects of the system yet.

Ev, W2EV

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