[CQ-Contest] Trying to compile list of all known Cabrillo contestIDs

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Sat Jan 7 13:21:09 EST 2006


> The sponsor's robot can be trained to see the string for its 
> particular contest, and off we go.

Don't be too sure about the robot's ability or facility to be trained, Pete.

I asked ARRL why my log gets busted back occasionally when I type my club
affiliation as something like: 

"Central Texas DX & Contest Club"

It seems the robot doesn't/cannot recognize that as what it wants to see: 

"Central Texas DX and Contest Club" 

Pity that for all the capabilities and work the robot does, it cannot do a
simple, mundane task like recognize a small variation in a club name.  I
thought that was what software programming was all about:  make the robot

Interestingly, the CTDXCC website is titled "Central Texas DX & Contest
Club", but the ARRL Club list has "Central Texas DX and Contest Club". 

Dale, kg5u

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