[CQ-Contest] We Need Sunspots!!

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 8 14:32:34 EST 2006

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 11:24, K1AR at aol.com wrote:
> I've been reading the CQ-Contest reflector messages over the past month or  
> so and have concluded we need more sunspots.

Y'know, I'm beginning to wonder whether what we need is more sunspots -
or more people listening in the right place?!

Shortly after the 10-Meter Contest, for no particularly good reason, I
decided to take a listen up in the 10m FM band around 29.6MHz.  On
29.62, KQ2H (NYC) and W1OJ (Boston) repeaters were booming in.  Figured
it was a one-time Es opening; there was sure plenty of that during the

Except the next day, the repeaters were still in.  And the day after

I have heard the KQ2H repeater **EVERY DAY** since the 10-Meter
Contest.  W1OJ is also in on many days, and VE3TFM (Toronto) has made a
few appearances as well.  

Point being, 10 meters (and 15) are open a lot more than many of us
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN  EM66

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