[CQ-Contest] Realtime Scoreboard: CQWWVHF International!

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 13 18:35:06 EDT 2006

The "world" version (vers of RFSport.com's
logger has been posted and is available for download. 
Anyone, world-wide may now use it.  If Internet
connected, your logging will be forwarded to the
central scoreboard for everyone to see.

RFSport.com's logger is a single band system.  You
will need to launch and configure one instance for
6-meters and another for 2-meters.  Then...be sure to
be logging in the correct one! :)

Get the logger at: http://www.RFSport.com.
Get setup instructions at the "Scoreboard Central"
hyperlink on that website.

There is even a "practice" mode built-in so that you
can try it out before the weekend!

Ev, W2EV

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