[CQ-Contest] Uniques

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sat Jul 15 09:43:09 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Albert Crespo" <f5vhj at wanadoo.fr>

> I worked 23 stations in the IARU contest as M0FCR, all on CW. I worked 
> only
> PT5M, none of the other participants.
> Nice to know that I am a unique that gets trashed and PT5M wasted  their
> time working me.

They didn't, Al. You can find the PT5M UBN report here:


You are not in it. At least one of the 23 non-WRTC stations you worked
must have sent in a log to the WRTC log checkers, so you didn't count as
a unique. Your QSO counted and helped PT5M.  This is an example of
why it was important for non-WRTC stations to email their logs in to the
WRTC log checkers right after the contest.

> Sounds like people  wanted to pollute this contest with effluent and did a
> great job.
> Instead of amateur radio hosting a great event, a lot of people went out 
> of
> their way to sabotage it.

Probably just a couple of S%itheads. What's that expression "there's one in
every crowd".

> A real shame to all those great people who spent a lot of time, energy and
> skill to make this event happen.
> 73, Albert

Yes, from what I can see the PY folks did a terrific job.

73, Mike W4EF........................................... 

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