[CQ-Contest] Ethics and contesting . Radiosport or cheating "en masse".
Aime DE
on5um at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 09:54:14 EDT 2006
After reading most of the comments and living the
aftermath of the IARU Contest ,I just want to add to
Franki ON5ZO 's mail that it is not hypothetical but
real life .
DA0HQ is organising a "pseudo" sprint during the 24
hrs IARU RADIO "SPORT" contest with only 1 station
that must(can) be worked ...DA0HQ in both CW and Phone
and this in 5 categories . Nice free AWARD as reward
for hunting down DA0HQ on all bands in 2
modes.....Maybe the website will be empty tonight .
Since 1999 this helped them win the HQ class .They did
it also before that but not with such a large margin
and especially not wit soo many german stations in the
Nothing wrong maybe but still food for thought.
But maybe most of You do never check the All German
Website from DA0HQ. Maybe because of a linguistical
Like I read : the Genius is really out of the bottle
Time to change things ,
And certainly not only for DA0HQ .
And what abt "hidden selfspotting" ???
Check out www.dxcentral.com and see a nice
orchestrated way of acting "within the rules "
Have been contesting 35 years now and this was my
biggest disapointment .
With the PC logging and internet logfile exchange the
written and signed sentence of working my station
within the contest rules disappeared as did the
honesty maybe..
73 and tnx to all those that want to keep it fair for
the qso's,
Jim - ON5UM
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