[CQ-Contest] Uniques not counting and emotion

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Sat Jul 22 07:49:50 EDT 2006

NF1J said:

> the people who get on and only make one or two contacts are
> almost definitely people who not only do not read this reflector

KD4D said:

> Unfortunately, most of the "casual" guys don't read this reflector.

It's easy to think this, except for all the belly-aching about it right here 
on this reflector.  I'm pretty sure there are a few reading this who might 
consider adjusting their operating practices to make more than one QSO when 
they get on.

Also, as the "leaders" of contesting, which is one definition of people who 
read a reflector where the non-serious people don't hang out, it is somewhat 
incumbent on us to lead by example and train the people who don't read this 

Finally, the problem is not limited to casual operators.  It is also caused 
by serious guys (who read this relector) who aren't in the contest, who turn 
on the radio, look for their pal trying to win, work him and turn it off. 
Bad.  Better is to make several QSOs before going back to the mowing or 

And for gosh sakes do what the winners do and tell people who give you #1 to 
go work the other guys.  That is the simplest solution, increases the 
overall activity, and leaves the best impression of contesting with the 
casual guys who don't read this reflector.

Mark, N5OT 

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