[CQ-Contest] CW keying using PC - IC706MKII

Filipe Lopes ct1ilt at mail.telepac.pt
Mon Jul 24 12:54:46 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I have an IC706 MKII and I want to use it in dxpeditions. I have also TS870 
and I use a CW keying interface, which we can easely build. The problem is 
that in my IC706MKII there is no keyer input for this interface. I only have 
the paddle connector.

Any idea how shall I do it?

I have tryed to put the rig in Straight key and connected my interface, and 
what I get is a tune! The rig doenst stop the tune.

73's Filipe Lopes CT1ILT aka CT6A, 6Y3T

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