[CQ-Contest] Fw: SO1R and SO2R

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Thu Jul 27 19:55:53 EDT 2006

VE5ZX writes: 

> It simply a matter of reporting contest results on-line 
> and openly providing enough information for contestants 
> to compare themselves against whoever they wish.

There is nothing wrong with voluntary self-identification of 
any particular operating tools/equipment.  Unfortunately, the 
general thrust of these discussions has been "SO2R is bad for 
contesting" - "SO2R is cheating" - "SO2R is an unfair advantage" 
- "SO2R is ruining the fun for the average contester."  It's no 
more of a problem than the big antenna farms, the super-power 
Europeans in DX contests, the "New England Wall" etc.    

> > In any case, there is no justification for discriminating
> > against SO2R any more than discriminating against those with
> And there is no justification for discriminating against 
> SO1R! End of story!

Nobody is discriminating against SO1R ... that is simple one 
state in contest development.  If a given operator is happy 
with his/her performance at that level - fine.  Others will 
choose to master the additional tool to improve their results. 
They should not be made to wear a scarlet 2R because they 
do so. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> Syl
> Sylvan Katz - VE5ZX
> Saskatoon, SK 

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