[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX question

Mark Bailey kd4d at comcast.net
Sun Jun 4 09:44:49 EDT 2006

 From the 2006 rules:

> Tribander/Single Element (TBWIRES)**:
> Tribander (any type) for the high
> bands with a single feedline from the transmitter
> to the antenna, and single-element lowband
> antennas (wires) category. During the
> contest an entrant shall use only one (1)
> tribander for 10, 15, 20 meters and single-element
> antennas on 40, 80, and 160.

Sounds like a delta loop (one element) is OK, even a
vee beam (one element).  Oddly, it seems to permit
multiple single-element antennas for 40, 80, and 160.
A set of vee beams for 40/80/160 would be interesting
...and might get the rule changed to only one (1)
single-element antenna for each of 40/80/160.  :-)


Mark, KD4D

mike l dormann wrote:
> in the "TB wires" class is a delta loop an acceptable antenna? I would
> assume a horiz/vert dipole, long wire, would be acceptable. How about a
> vee beam, two half waves in phase? 
> I could see how Bruce arrays and Sterba curtains would at least not be in
> the spirit of things.
> thanks
> mike w7dra  
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