[CQ-Contest] Feed Your Writer!

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Fri Jun 9 19:18:25 EDT 2006

Ward Silver wrote:
> As with last year's writeup of the ARRL DX Phone results, I am fortunate to 
> be assisted by very able contesters from each of the ARRL Divisions, plus 
> continental coverage, too!  These guys have all the data, but what they 
> could use is your story, your photo, your anecdote, your bank account 
> number - oops, sorry - your antenna farm descsription, and so forth.  By 
> providing the local details, their writeup will be of more interest to 
> everyone and your good efforts have a better chance of getting their due.

Once again I must disagree.  What "will be of more interest to everyone" 
is to see their calls in print -- no matter how small their scores.

I'm going to suggest to my Atlantic Division "able contester" and my 
Atlantic Division Director that we "not so able" contesters would rather 
see *all* the scores in 4-point (if necessary) type in QST than to have 
the same worthy few at the top lionized once again.

As you pointed out in last year's QST report, all the soapbox comments 
-- in participants' own words -- can be found on the web.   For decades 
I found the soapbox comments in QST to be enjoyable -- but only in the 
context of *accompanying* the basic data -- namely, everyone's line 
scores.  Today, generating "local color" to run in QST in place of the 
basic data doesn't seem to me to represent good "value added" for the 
limited space available.

ARRL is supposed to be a membership organization.  As such, its official 
journal, QST, should provide an historical record of its members' 
efforts.  The Utica NY newspaper prints the names and times of all 1000+ 
entrants in the annual Boilermaker Race -- you don't suppose they just 
happen to know what sells newspapers, do you?

Bud Hippisley, W2RU
Western NY
Atlantic Division

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