[CQ-Contest] Anyone have problems with XP SP2 and Byterunner PCI serial boards?

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Sun Jun 11 11:18:12 EDT 2006

My experience is slightly different but might answer your question anyway.

When I upgraded to WinXP, I kept my old serial port cards (two of 
them) from my Win98 machine. This gave me two com ports on the 
motherboard and two on the PCI cards. While they worked most of the 
time, I had problems running MMTTY. MMTTY would work if the PTT/FSK 
was set to com1 but not on any  other. Other programs would work ok 
on com3 and 4, but occasionally would stop responding for no apparent reason.

Long story short: I got rid of the old cards and installed some new 
ones which claimed to be designed for WinXP. Problems solved. I don't 
know if it was the cards themselves or the driver software that came 
with them, but something was almost right but not quite.

The new cards were only $10 each, well worth the money.

73, Bill W6WRT

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At 06:04 AM 6/11/2006, Barry wrote:
>Hi all,
>When XP SP2 came out I upgraded and had lots of unexplained crashes.  On
>advice of Microsoft, I reverted back to SP1.  Now that MS will be
>terminating support for SP1 in the near future, I'm thinking about
>trying SP2 again.
>I believe my problem was some incompatibility with my Byterunner PCI-400
>4 port serial board and its drivers.  I wonder if anyone else with the
>Byterunner card had trouble with SP2, and if so, were you able to do
>anything (update drivers?) to fix it?  I'd also like to hear from you if
>you had no problems, so maybe I can rule out the Byterunner card as the
>source of trouble.

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